Vitamins and minerals to improve erection.

review of vitamins for potency

Problems with the reproductive system in men are often the result of more serious health problems. The root cause of weak erectile function may be diabetes, atherosclerosis, multiple sclerosis, etc. Obesity, alcoholism, smoking and other bad habits can also contribute to this problem. Vitamins for erectile function, of course, will give their results, but if you do not approach the problem comprehensively, you will not be able to solve it forever.

But still, let's see which substances have a beneficial effect on the erection.

It should be noted that a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body can also cause the development of this problem. This is especially true for those whose diet is not balanced.

How and what vitamins affect potency?

To understand what measures to take to solve the problem, it is necessary to know how vitamin complexes affect the body:

  • They have a general strengthening and stabilizing effect. Thanks to them, many body systems function correctly and confidently, this also applies to erectile function;
  • Certain vitamins are designed to regulate blood circulation in the body. If this process is established, blood circulation in the pelvic organs is also stabilized;
  • It is worth highlighting separately the vitamins that are directly involved in the creation of sexual hormones, which in turn are responsible for sexual desire and potency.


Special attention should be paid to mineral elements. The first most important microelement in male sexual function is zinc. In medicine, there are many cases when its deficiency causes a decrease in potency. Therefore, if a deficiency is detected in the blood, it is advisable to take care of replacing what was lost. Even if you have a normal amount, it is important to control the amount of daily consumption, which will help regulate erectile function. You can obtain the microelement both with medications and simple products. It is found in large quantities in liver, pine nuts, lamb, pork, peanuts, beans, buckwheat, oats, water, etc.

Selenium + vitamins C and E

The next most important is selenium, most of which in the body is concentrated in the testicles. This is a direct indication of the importance of the trace element for the reproductive system. This microelement maximally reveals its potential in combination with vitamins C and E. In the complex, substances cope with toxins and eliminate free radicals. From this it follows that the effect of a microelement can only be achieved with a sufficient amount of vitamins. You can compensate for the lack of selenium through foods such as almonds, liver, lentils, wheat, barley, rice, water, etc. Vitamin E can be obtained from spinach, oats, prunes, salmon, sorrel and other foods.

An insufficient amount of selenium in a man's body increases the likelihood of the appearance of malignant cancer cells several times.

B vitamins

Next in importance and need are the representatives of the vitamin B group. Their importance for the body as a whole is undeniable, but few people know that these substances actively participate in the production of testosterone and regulate its activity. nervous system. But it is the latter that is responsible for sexual attraction in the form of impulses to the brain. In food, vitamins are found in crabs, sour cream, carp, pork, lamb, beef, mackerel, etc.

Vitamin C

The same applies to vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is undeniably important for any person's body. However, its deficiency, in addition to weakened immunity, can lead to the accumulation of the stress hormone cortisol and a decrease in the amount of male hormones. The natural content of the vitamin is found in all components of the plant, even with a slight sour taste. The greatest amount of vitamin C is found in rose hips, red peppers, black currants, sea buckthorn, lemon, sauerkraut and kiwi.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a vital role in the body as it allows calcium, phosphorus and magnesium to be properly absorbed in the body. Regarding sexual function, this element is the activator of the action of testosterone. In addition, in this situation, the hormone performs not only its main functions, but also acts as an assistant in the construction of bone tissue along with calcium. As you know, vitamin D is actively produced during constant exposure to the sun and air. It is also found in products such as sea bass, sour cream, liver, butter, and eggs.

omega fatty acids

Particular attention should be paid to the consumption of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. In addition to a strong preventive effect on the cardiovascular system, the substances fight excess cholesterol well, improve blood circulation and normalize blood pressure.

But in addition, unsaturated fatty acids actively participate in the production of testosterone, so it is very important to follow a diet in which the daily dose of these components is not less than 0. 5 grams per day. It is important to understand that these substances are irreplaceable and are not synthesized by our body but must be obtained from outside. A large amount of fatty acids of this type are found in fish oil, flax seeds, mackerel, tuna, trout, oat sprouts, hemp seeds, etc.

Pros and cons of synthetic vitamins.

For obvious reasons, many people have doubts about the effectiveness of pharmacy vitamin complexes. Its main advantage is ease of use, since only one capsule is needed and the daily norm and requirement of substances is obtained. It is not necessary to select products and prepare them. However, at the same time, these capsules are much more complex and are less easily absorbed by the body, meaning they are less effective.

Many experts believe that it is better to give preference to a balanced diet and, in rare cases, supplement with pharmacy vitamin complexes. It is proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle that will give the body the maximum amount of necessary elements.